Agatha Sweater

In my previous post regarding my thoughts on ready-to-wear clothes vs handmade (link here), I mentioned a sweater I completed recently. 

Well, here it is!

If you haven't read that post then you may not know my rocky relationship with knitting. I started out crocheting but I always liked the look of knitting better. However when I attempt the noble act of learning to knit - I fail. And pretty miserably too. 

So..... for some years I had sworn off knitting.

 Now I'd like to preface this by saying that I'm a go big or go home kinda person. For example, most people when they learn something new start small and expand from there. 
Well I don't do that. 
I went straight to making a hat. Then socks. 
So I thought to myself ....."Self, Why stop there? Why not do something really big!" 
So I bought the Agatha pattern and when to work!

This pattern was probably not best for the knitting novice that I am. But considering my track record, this shouldn't be a surprise. But I completed it!
 If you want the knitty-gritty details (see what I did there? Puns!) you can check out my Ravelry page here.

Now for my 2 cents on this pattern...

I really like this pattern!
 Okay... I'll be honest...I like all of Andi Satterlunds patterns! I'm a big fan of waist length cardigans and sweaters both for modern and retro wear.
 Plus it calls for worsted weight yarn, so it (should) knit up fairly quick! The yarn I chose is a nice and soft alpaca from a local yarn shop called Jennings Street Yarn. I loved the color of this one!
If you look really closely at the fibers its not just one shade of green! So pretty! 
As I said above you should be able to knit this cardigan up in a couple of weeks. 
Right? Right.
 yeahhhhhhh weeellllllllll. Oops. 
Andi Satterlunds patterns are knitted top down and joined under the armscye so there's no seams. It's easier to understand once you start knitting it.
 I was knitting late at night (sound familiar?) and I was getting ready to start knitting the back and sides to make the body. For some reason it just wasn't working!
 So I googled... I looked at comments on the pattern and just couldn't figure it out!
 Then it dawned on me.
 I had the front panels switched. 
So I ripped them out and after I regained some semblance of calm (ahem), re-knit them. After that the pattern was no problem! 

I would suggest to have a check list or post it note so you can keep track of what rows you're on. You are working 2 different lace patterns at the same time and they are pretty long. It'll keep you from going "Ummmmmm I think it was this one??????" like me.

The only issue I have with this yarn is that it sheds like crazy!  But the upside to this is that the yarn is fuzzy enough to hid a lot of mistakes! 
(Yes I'm missing a top button I only had 6 on hand)

Look at that lace! I did that!!!

The vest I'm saving for another post but I really like how it looks with this cardigan!

That's all for now! I have a really big and fancy project to share next time! Until then! 


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