Cutting it close

Alrighty folks!
 I've gotten used to my computer's way of  storing pictures so y'all get the treat of photos!! 
(Ahem) Really bad photos... But they're photos!  

So here we go!
First of all lemme tell ya... I love this pattern. 
I really love this pattern.
So. Much.

So when you first look at this pattern you will be intently taken by it's fantastic versatile design! I can imagine it in a light rayon or cotton but for the colder months (Not that we get much in Texas) a nice flannel! A shirt for all seasons! Awesome!

You open it.

Then you gasp! The instructions are in the form of a BOOKLET!!! So cool!!!
Already this pattern is ruining The Big 3 patterns for me (as much as I love Simplicity)!

So after you get over the awe and shock of this ingenious design, you realize, you should really get back to sewing.
I was desperate to make this shirt. Plus, it was getting cold (like 70°F - that's cold right?) and I have a mighty need for new flannels. I found this pleated skirt I made not long ago.  The yardage was almost exactly the same save an 1/8 of a yard. I got out my seam ripper and when to work.

Throughout this garment (as you can tell by the title) I was cutting it close. Like really close. I had fabric scraps no bigger then the palm of my hand afterwards. So I'm doin' my thing, sewing my new shirt when I realized that I was running out of thread! "So?" you might say "Just wait and get more tomorrow."  It was pushing 11:00 at this point and I make bad decisions when I'm tired. So guess what I decide! TO KEEP GOING!

This was a bad decision.

As I was sewing the most stressful buttonholes of my life I ignored my spool thinking "maybe if I don't look at it it won't run out as fast!".

As I lined up the foot for the final buttonhole..... I looked. 
Now comes the scary part.....
 I was almost out. 

Like so close. Too close.

And I prayed so many Hail Mary's I think I got a few souls to heaven!

 All because of this last buttonhole. 

And what do you know! I finished the buttonhole! With inches of thread to go! I was so thrilled! 
The moral of this riveting story is get more then one small spool of thread! (I use Gütermann)
So here are some pictures of that nearly unfinished project!

The buttons are a fraction of an inch off so I'll have to move them before I get any buttoned up pictures.

So comfy! So plaid! 

Look!!! Fun binding!
So now I can get rid of the other not as good flannel (that isn't actually flannel! Lies!) and I'm that much closer to my me-made wardrobe.
I hope you enjoyed that exciting tale!
That is all....


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